Friday, April 2, 2021

Strawberries: Maybe it'll work this time...

 I bought two whole packages of strawberry plants last year from Sam's Club, and I dedicated a whole garden box to them. I wasn't thinking very ambitiously, not of jams and fruit at every meal and pie. I never expected any produce would get in the back door. I may have had dreamy visions of happy children helping me plant them and later harvesting what they produced with shining eyes and a sense of wonder...

Not a one came up. Did I wait too long to plant? Was it a bad year? Should I have covered the box with plastic? Was Sam's Club a dud product?

I don't have answers. I'm hoping it's not a Sam's Club thing, because that's where I bought my two new packages of strawberry plants this year. It's just the most economical.

Honestly, when people recommend gardening to reduce grocery costs, I don't see how it adds up.

I shoveled compost into the box to supplement the "Mel's Mix" dirt. In turning it over I reassured myself that absolutely nothing grew last year.

So today I soaked plants, froze my fingers, and planted a bunch more. It's a square foot garden, so I did the recommended four per square. There were some indications that some of the plants were at least alive when I started. I let Rose (4) plant some too. I'm a bit worried about those, but clearly me doing it myself last year didn't guarantee success, so what's the harm?

Even so, I'm not optimistic. How to people grow plants?

Other probably doomed gardening is also in the works.

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